
Thursday, 21 July 2011

Online Scheduling - Hassle Free Appointment Scheduling

Appointment scheduling is a big headache for both doctors as well as patients. At first, doctors they have to look into their records, check for appropriate slot, fix-up the appointment and so on. The task may look very easy, however, its very tedious and time consuming. Introduction of online scheduling is welcomed by both doctors as well as patients. The online scheduling system is an intelligent piece of software that keeps track of each and every appointment and provides the patients with the appropriate slot in an online web environment. 

Online appointment software scheduler eliminates the need of being available on the phone for appointments and eligibility checks. Patients can view the availability of their physician and schedule their own appointment by selecting an available time slot. Online scheduling helps physicians and receptionists to spend more time taking care of patients and delivering quality treatment.
Online Scheduling is yet another step in the process of bringing about change in the modus operandi of the healthcare industry. The solution aims at making life easier for both doctors as well as patients.

The Many Advantages of Healthcare BPO Outsourcing Services

Business process outsourcing industry is growing by leaps and bounds; in fact the advantages of outsourcing the back end processes are many. Almost all the industries are keen on outsourcing their back end processes as they can concentrate on their main stream business and at the same time can derive the benefits of cheap services and saving time resources. The healthcare industry is not an exception to the rule and the trend to go with healthcare bpo outsourcing services is catching momentum.

Healthcare industry is very complex in nature - clinical research, pharmaceutical companies, diagnostics, managed healthcare, billing, claims processing and so on. The industry is already facing severe problems with increased pressure and rising costs. In this situation healthcare bpo outsourcing services seems to be the answer as it promises to save time resources, to cut down the costs, and to bring about improvement in the quality of service delivered. 

Healthcare BPO outsourcing services is also proving employment to lacs of fresher youth, thus, helping familites and economies as a whole. It seems a win - win situation for both healthcare as well as BPO industry. 

Claims Software - A Much Needed Solution

Claims software is considered to be a much needed solution for the healthcare industry. In fact, US healthcare industry is under tremendous pressure and finding it really very difficult to cope up with the increasing demand. Added to this is the burden of medical insurance claims processing, it is believed that physicians and the clinic staff spends their maximum time resources in entering claims data, forwarding and managing it. Also, practices find it difficult to keep up with burdensome requirements and administrative challenges imposed by insurance companies.

If we go with the statistics, over $200 billion is spent each year on medical insurance claims processing in US. It is believed that physician practices spend over 14% of their revenue in medical billing costs to submit claims and help ensure accurate payments from insurers. However, these high figures too are not helping them in achieving optimum utilization of their resources. Here comes the role of claims software that promises to bring about change in the situation. 

The AMA estimates that up to $15.5 billion in unnecessary administrative costs could be saved by medical practices if insurance companies would improve their claims processing accuracy. This would lead to lower healthcare costs and improve quality of care. Claims software seems to ease out the situation by providing readily available data entry forms, eligibility verification, error handling, one click claim generation, status check, follow up, resubmit and many more features. 

Claims software, the advantages are many, if implemented in a planned manner... it wouldn't be wrong to say that "claims software is considered to be a much needed solution for the healthcare industry".

Role of Healthcare Software

Information technology has become a part of our day to day life, practically there is no field that has not seen the intervention of IT. The advantages are huge, however, till date the healthcare industry was reluctant in implementing any healthcare software (IT). The industry was relying more on the capabilities of the healthcare professionals and was of the opinion that healthcare softwares may not be helpful to them. Now, the industry has realized the importance of information technology that would benefit doctors, hospitals and ultimately the patients.

Healthcare software is deep penetrating into the industry; no segment is in isolation. It has found its roots in each n every segment - clinical research, pharmaceutical, diagnostic equipments (machines), patient record keeping, billing, claims processing and more. The advantages are huge - readily available forms, detailed entry, verification, centralized storage, and so on. These benefits ultimately result into saving of time, costs, improving the revenue and quality of patient service. 

As the healthcare industry in US goes through an expansion spree and gears up to become the best-in-class, healthcare software is increasingly being embraced and adopted by healthcare organisations. Looking into the advantages the trend is catching up.

Electronic Health Records - Stimulus Package Conditions

The biggest barrier to electronic health records has been price, however, the US government has tried to overcome this barrier by introducing an ehr stimulus package. The package lays down certain conditions on usability and implementation time. If we look into the conditions carefully, the major emphasis is on adopting the electronic health records system by physicians as early as possible.

The stimulus package states that anyone who treats Medicare patients without an EHR by 2015 will see reimbursements decrease by 1% that year. The pay cut grows to 2% in 2016 and 3% in 2017 and every year afterwards. . If electronic health records adoption fails to hit the 75% mark by 2018, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) can boost the penalty to 4% that year and a maximum 5% in 2019 and beyond.

In order to avail the unmatched benefits of electronic health records system and government incentive program, the physicians has to be determined as regards the implementation of the system as early as possible.

Government Incentives For EHR Adoption

EHR is concerned with the digitization of patient records as maintaining patient records manually is a tedious task that serve as the basis of diagnosis and treatment. Physicians and their staff members are usually burdened with record keeping activity, often resulting into insufficient or error full information. The biggest challenge arises at times of emergency when records couldn't be accessed by the attending doctor. At times, when a patient wants to change the physician, they feel the heat of getting the records transferred. EHR seems to be an answer to these problems.

Looking into the advantages that EHR promises both for doctors as well as patients, US government is very enthusiastic in getting it implement. This is the reason incentive package for ehr adoption has been announced: The package clearly states that on meeting certain usability criteria a physician can receive up to $44,000 over 5 years under medicare and more on those later. Working in a "health professional shortage area" entitles you to 10% more. But to receive the maximum $44,000, you must qualify as an EHR user beginning in either 2011 or 2012.

The implementation cost is the main hurdle in the adoption of EHR, however, the stimulus package, long term advantages are all creating a smooth path for EHR. In other words, EHR is all set to explode the US healthcare market.

Friday, 15 July 2011

The Best Affiliate Program?

Affiliate programs offer great opportunity for self-employment, however, selecting an appropriate program is a daunting task. Usually people ask for the best affiliate program that can generate great income with minimal efforts. Truly speaking, the best affliate programs are the ones that are genuine in nature and are managed professionaly. Now, the other question - which one would be a best option from the available professional affiliate programs?

In fact, there is no good or bad affiliate program; one particular affiliate program may not work with some person but it may work with some other person and vice versa. Now, why does this happen - it entirely depends on our area of interest as well as our promotional and management efforts. 
If we conclude, the best affiliate programs are those programs that are managed professionally. Also, when selecting we need to take into consideration our interest and market penetration (demand) for the particular product. And rest is all our efforts...

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Healthcare IT Servicves - Do We Need It?

Healthcare industry is very complex in nature - patient records, diagnostics, treatment, medical insurance management and so on. Also, there is tremendous pressure on the industry due to fast paced lifestyle (physicial and mental pressure leading into various ailments). It is believed that healthcare backend process consumes the maximum time of any healthcare professional, which otheriwse could be used for providing services to the patients. There seems to be some answer to this by way of healthcare it solutions like emr, claims system, pms and so on. Availability of specialized healthcare it service providers also seems to be a good option in cutting-down the time and cost spent on back end services. 

Healthcare IT services industry is on growth track for the very reason being specialized services offered at reasonable costs. The service providers as they work on a particular domain are highly skilled and equipped with the required infrastructure. This helps them to accomplish the task much faster as compared to healthcare professionals handling the processing themselves. At first, the outsourcing of back end process to service providers helps to save the valuable time and on the other hand cost cutting is one of the other main advantages. 

Looking into the pressure on the healthcare it industry, analysts believe that healthcare IT services is the need of the hour. It will add to the quality and quantity of patient service provided along with the reduction in healthcare costs.

Healthcare IT Solutions - For Your Life And Money

Healthcare IT solutions - Is it only for doctors? or Is it only for patients? A question often asked as to whom would benefit from the implementation of healthcare it solutions. If we have an unbiased look at the benefits - the IT solutions are beneficial to both doctors as well as patients. There are huge advantages associated with the adoption of information technology. 

IT has changed our modus operandi in each and every field and healthcare industry can not be an exception to the rule. Implementation of healthcare IT solutions like electronic medical records (emr), claims processing system, practice management systems and so on ensures to streamline the backend processes of a healthcare practice. 

Doctors are relieved to a great extent from tedious backend process, the task becomes easier due to automation. Error handling, quick process, easy access and many more benefits associated with the implementation of the healthcare it solutions. 

Now for sure doctors are benefited out of the adoption of the technology, however, patients are not kept at bay they too are benefited to a great extent. The healthcare IT solutions ensure recording of detailed, correct (error free) information at faster speeds. The time saved is ultimately spent by healthcare professionals for providing better quality of service to patients.

Hence, it could be concluded that adoption of healthcare it solutions are beneficial to doctors as well as patients as it helps to bring about improvisation in the quality of service and saving of money. For sure healthcare it solutions are for our "life (better quality of service)" and "money (cost saving)".

Advantages Of Web Based Claims Processing System

 Claims processing is a very tedious task; it is often argued that a healthcare professional or the clinic staff spends maximum time in taking care of the medical insurance submission formalities. The task involves a large number of steps to be carried out and often this results into errors; ultimately resulting into claims denial or delay in reimbursement. There seems to be some answer to it by way of claims processing system.

A claims processing system is an intelligent piece of software that helps to automate the process of claims submission. It helps to simplify the process - the task of coding becomes simpler, readily available data entry form, error handing and many more features. The systems aims at simplying the life of healthcare professionals as well as patients (by way of less denials and quicker claims reimbursement).

A claims processing system can be desktop based or web based. A web based claims processing system works on the principle of cloud computing, which is considered to be the future of information technology. It helps the employee to fill the form online and submit it so that the form is sent to CPD through Internet. At CPD, the form needs to be checked automatically by a program which will compute the amount that needs to be reimbursed to the employee for the treatment undertaken.

A web based claims processing system is definitely considered to be a better option as it provides the flexibility to operate it through any place. It can also pass through various channels (departments) for further processing.